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The Student Aid Cash Available report lists student aid projects with project fund balance, beginning and ending available cash balances as of the report date. For each project, it also includes a summary of student aid expenses, revenues, and unspent total.

Report Output

Data Field Description
07/01/XXXX Begin Fund Bal Fund balance beginning of the fiscal year for the reporting period. Fund balance is total assets minus liabilities. Fund balance is different from cash available. Assets include non-cash items, such as pledge receivables.
07/01/XXXX Cash Available Available cash beginning of the fiscal year for the reporting period. Cash available is the actual cash balance minus encumbrances and accounts payable.
05/07/XXXX Cash Available Available cash as of the report date.
Revenues Sum of revenues from beginning of the fiscal year to the report date.
Student Aid Expenses Sum of student aid expenses (object codes 4510, 4516 & 4517) from beginning of the fiscal year to the report date. For more information see object code listing click here.
Other Expenses Sum of non student aid expenses from beginning of the fiscal year to the report date. Although only student aid expenses are allowed for student aid projects, other administrative expenses such as credit card fees may be included in this category.
Net Transfers Net transfer of funds to and from other projects.